09 Feb

Pamela and Tyson our 2 FIP cats are both doing well – they are a little more than half-way through their treatment, and fingers-crossed, it looks like they are both going to make it! While Tyson was on the road to recovery pretty much straight away, Pamela was touch-and-go. Her initial tablet-based medication didn’t work but then the vet changed her treatment to being one of injections and that seems to have kick-started her recovery such that she is now doing well. She is now back on the (less expensive) tablet medication and other than being cooped-up at the vet she is fine so that barring unexpected developments, she will be back at her humble abode off the Coral Bay strip in a month or so’s time. Many thanks to those who have donated so far for their treatment and helped to save their lives – it is much appreciated! The combined veterinary costs over the last month were just under €1,000 so please check out our funding request if anyone else can see their way to help these adorable kitties… They have both used up at least one of their nine lives (probably two of them in Pamela’s case…), so at least seven more to go….

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