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Reporting Animal Abuse

NEW - ANIMAL POLICE TELEPHONE NUMBERS A new way of communication, for a better and more direct service to the public, was acquired by the Police for Animals from today. Members of the Police for Animals will now respond to citizens' calls via mobile phones. In this way, an attempt is made to alleviate the communication problem with the members of the Police for Animals, who, due to the nature of their duties, are out of the office for several hours of the day. This made it difficult for them to communicate with citizens to receive complaints or information about abuse or animal welfare. The cell phone numbers of members of the Animal Police, per province are as follows: Nicosia District – 97849765 Limassol District – 97849766 Larnaca district – 97849767 Paphos district – 97849787 Famagusta District – 97849768 Morphou District – 97849786 . You must contact. 1. Police 2. Muktah 3. Gov Vet In that order.

Reporting Animal Abuse

Please report any and all animal abuse to the police and Government Vet Services You must contact. 1. Police 2. Muktah 3. Gov Vet In that order. Click on title

Report to Government Vet

It is sometimes necessary to report abuse to the Government Vet You must contact. 1. Police 2. Muktah 3. Gov Vet In that order. Click on title

Poisoning and Emergency 24 hr vet

If and when you encounter a cat exposed to a toxic substance, quick action can save it's life. Emergency 24 hr vet attention is an essential life-saving service. Vets are equipped to handle all types of animal poisonings around the clock. The local emergency veterinarians are always ready to provide swift, expert care. Don't delay—call them at the first sign of trouble.