04 Apr


German Tommy was adopted by a kind family in Coral Bay on Tuesday of this week (2nd April) - which was the day he was otherwise going to have to be released to one of our feeding stations following an extra period of being kept by the vet in order for his leg to heal after surgery to repair his broken and dislocated leg. German Tommy was one of the cats that we were forced to move from the restaurant in Coral Bay where 26 cats had been left abandoned when it closed for the winter period in November. It would appear likely that he had been hit by a car as he was unable to walk properly and had to lie down to eat his food – a truly sad sight…

When we were unable to secure an adopter from the website here after our initial post about him, we set about seeing if we could get him adopted in Germany but unfortunately he tested positive for feline coronavirus (not transmissible to humans) which meant that idea was a non-starter due to the possibility (albeit unlikely) of it mutating into FIP, which could be much more serious.

He is adapting well to his new family and is already sitting on his new owner’s lap – not bad for a supposedly feral cat! He will do really well in his new surroundings which is a villa that is up a track and well way from the nearest road, so hopefully no more interactions with traffic for him.1

Many thanks to Diane, David and Jodie for posting far and wide about German Tommy and for finding him a such a great spot and a new life after his recent run of atrocious luck ….

So why is he called “German Tommy”? Well, its nothing to do with his colour scheme (see picture) which happens to be pretty much in-line with the German national team’s colours…. Rather it is because one of the sponsors in relation to his operation is Only TNR’s German partner FIDO and they wanted to name him “Tommy” after one of his initial rescuers - and Tommy used to be called “German Tommy” by some of his pals on account of his liking for all things German, so “German Tommy” it was – not a bad name for the cute little fellow who has deservedly landed on his paws!

We all wish him “good luck” in the future!
Should anyone wish to make a donation please see the methods on our website..

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