20 Mar

Meet German Tommy… could you by any chance give him a new life?

Poor soul German Tommy was one of the 26 original cats left to die at the restaurant that we have been blogging about. Unfortunately, about 3 weeks ago, he was hit by a car on the busy road outside. While in normal circumstances, the restaurant would not a bad place for the cats (if the restaurant owner wanted the cats there…) because it is a quiet place that provides good shelter, the road outside is not great as cars go past really fast. 

So on account of his accident, he end up being unable to walk properly and was wobbling / dragging his right rear leg behind him. The vet said he had a broken /dislocated leg which was re-orientated and pinned in-place. Our German sponsors FIDO, Only TNR and together the kind volunteers that helped with the mammoth trapping /relocation effort (Diane, Jodie and Chris) each chipped-in a third of the cost and after a bit of in-vet recuperation that is shortly coming to an end, German Tommy will be good to go and able to walk again.

 We are concerned that he might struggle with a colony setting on account of his injury if we are forced to return him to the great outdoors, so we’d really like to find him a forever home where someone will look out for him and provide him with a better future. He is a kind / sweet cat (about 7/8 months old)  and would make someone a great pet – he is already neutered and we’d be happy to pay for vaccinations if needed. 

 As a Graduate of the School of Hard Knocks (literally and figuratively), he deserves a (good) break in life and after all, he’s only used up one of his 9 lives! Please get in touch if you can help him / would like to meet him… we’d really appreciate it…  

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