12 Jun

Oscar is a super-friendly cat from one of our Coral Bay feeding stations. Unfortunately he has been diagnosed with FIP and FIV. He will be staying at the vet for 84 days to receive vetinerary treatment which we are hopeful will ultimately save his life.

He is 11 years young and he doesn't currently have other health complications - so fingers crossed, he should pull through - as our first FIP patients Pamela and Tyson did a few months back.
It's a long road ahead for Oscar but his carers are all rooting for him.
FIV is not terminal in cats and FIV+ cats can live long happy / healthy lives, albeit with weakened immune systems. A good diet and low exposure to issues that may adversely affect his immune system (such as fleas) are important factors in keeping him healthy going forward.
While FIP was considered a death sentence up until a few short years ago, clearly with the right treatment, it is no longer so.
OTNR has teamed-up with German sponsor FIDO to pay for that treatment but it is expensive, especially so for homeless cats as they need to be boarded by the vet for the full duration of their treatment to ensure medication is given at the same time every day

If you are in a position to help fund his treatment, we would be really grateful for your support.
We will keep everyone updated in the weeks as to how Oscar gets on.
Everyone OTNR and FIDO wishes Oscar the best of luck and we all hope to see him living his best life in the sun / beside the sea again soon!

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