29 Mar

LAST CHANCE TO HELP GERMAN TOMMY – URGENT REQUEST… We posted a couple of weeks ago asking if someone could see their way to adopting young German Tommy but unfortunately we have had no takers.

 The operation to fix his broken / dislocated leg was 100% successful and he has enjoyed his period of rehabilitation at the vet. We had intended to get him enrolled in a programme whereby we would have sent him overseas for adoption but unfortunately today he tested positive for feline coronavirus so that possibility has gone down the tubes for him – the chances are that his new diagnosis won’t affect him at all (plus he has no symptoms). A very high percentage of cats who live outdoors have coronavirus at some point in their lives but there is a remote possibility that the coronavirus (not transmittable to humans…) could mutate into FIP which would require treatment and which could be serious / infect other cats. 

This is the only reason that this option is now closed to him. However, in any event, since the coronavirus diagnosis is already known,  in the unlikely event of this happening, it would be caught at an early stage and with treatment, his chances would be extremely good. We are going to have to release him this coming Tuesday (2nd April) if nobody gets in touch, so this is the last chance to help poor German Tommy - – he is a very sweet soul (about 7/8 months old) and he really needs a good break in life.  

His only downside would be that he’d have used up one of his nine lives…. Please contact us on an urgent basis if you can offer him a good / safe home.  He would come with all vaccinations already paid for.

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